Nutrition Blog

Spring Cleaning for Your Health and Wellness

Julia Barber

Spring is in the air, and it's the perfect time to give your health and wellness routine a little spring cleaning! Just like we declutter our homes and freshen up our living spaces, our bodies also need a little spring cleaning to help us feel our best.

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Move to Improve: The Power of Exercise

Julia Barber

Exercise is a crucial component of maintaining a healthy body. It's not just about looking good or losing weight - regular physical activity has numerous benefits for our overall health and well-being. 

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Why You Should Prioritize Self Care

Julia Barber

Self-care is an essential aspect of maintaining good health and well-being. In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to neglect our own needs in favor of work, family, or other responsibilities.

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5 Processed Foods to Avoid

Julia Barber

In today's fast-paced world, processed foods have become a convenient and easy option for many people. However, consuming too many processed foods can lead to various health problems. These foods are often high in calories, sugar, salt, and fat and lack essential nutrients and fibers that are necessary for maintaining good health. 

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Autoimmune Disease

Julia Barber

Autoimmune diseases are a group of illnesses that occur when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells, tissues, and organs. This autoimmune response can cause damage to virtually any part of the body, from muscles and joints to internal organs. 

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The Power of a Mindset Shift

Jillian Tedesco

Have you ever found yourself stuck in the same unhealthy habits, no matter how hard you try to break them? It is really freaking frustrating. The truth is, making lasting changes to our lifestyle is difficult, because it requires a complete mindset shift. In order to transform our lives and create lasting change, we must first see ourselves in a new light and envision the future we want for ourselves.

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Eat Well, Work Well: The Connection Between Nutrition and Productivity

Jillian Tedesco

Research has long suggested that diet plays an important role in overall productivity. That’s because when we consume foods that are packed with nutrition, our bodies get the energy they need to stay energized throughout the day.

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Without Fear There Cannot Be Courage

Julia Barber

We asked Dave about some of the fears and doubts he had when he decided to make this commitment to hike 2000 miles through the application trail. 

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5 Tips to Keep the Holidays Healthy

Julia Barber

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! But it can also be a challenging season for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With all of the hustle and bustle, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed trying to juggle last-minute shopping with cooking big family dinners - not to mention having delicious treats seemingly everywhere you turn!

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How to make eating out less stressful

Jillian Tedesco

Eating out can be stressful when you are trying to follow a health journey. But it doesn’t have to be! Speaking from a healthy nut/foodie/chef/nutrition guru, I have broken those chains of fear and stress, and I love eating out. I want to walk you through how I got there.

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5 Tips For Better Sleep

Julia Barber

On average, how many hours of sleep do you get a night? 5, maybe 6 hours on a good night? If you struggle to get your 8 hours of sleep you are not alone. In fact, 50% of Americans say that they feel sleepy throughout the day, and 35% of adults in the US report getting less than 7 hours of sleep every night.

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The Fearsome Project

Julia Barber

The Fearsome Project consists of a 2,194 mile hike through the Appalachian Trail to bring awareness to Multiple Sclerosis and highlight resilience in the face of MS and other extreme challenges we face in life.

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Fall Produce: The Freshest and Tastiest This Season

Julia Barber

Not only do these seasonal foods taste better, but they're also cheaper and have higher nutritional value. Plus, eating what's in season is more environmentally friendly. 

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Are Carbs Bad?

Jillian Tedesco

Carbohydrates are a fuel source. There are 4 calories of energy per 1 gram of carbohydrate. So if in a day you consume 100 carbs, which sounds like a lot but it’s not, that only equates to 400 calories. Think about that. Even restricted caloric intakes of 1300-1500 calories would be getting less than a ⅓ of its calories from carbs.

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B Vitamins

Julia Barber

Let's talk about B Vitamins! You've probably heard of Vitamin B12 as it is a popular supplement for energy. Or maybe biotin (B7) which is often used for healthy hair, skin, and nails. Did you know that there are 8 B vitamins in all?

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The SMART Way to Set Goals

Julia Barber

Smart goals are put in place to make sure that your goals are not only attainable but will be achieved within a specific time frame. Making your goals SMART is essential when trying to achieve them. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Let's break those down:

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Why cooking at home is so important for a healthy lifestyle

Jillian Tedesco

Being able to cook or quickly prepare meals and snacks at home is important in building a long-term healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, you will be consuming processed foods or eating out for all your meals. You might think, "How will I make room for cooking with my schedule"? Or "I have enough money to spend on going out, it’s not that big of a deal."

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Vitamin C

Julia Barber

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that your body needs to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle, and collagen in bones.

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5 Key Vitamins for Seniors

Julia Barber

As you age, your body begins to need fewer calories. This can sometimes lead to a lack of important vitamins in your diet. Seniors are especially prone to deficiencies in Vitamin C, Vitamin D, B Vitamins, Calcium, and Fiber. 

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Let's Get Saucy

Jillian Tedesco

I love flavorful food, and sauces take any meal to the next level. I get a lot of inspiration from sauces when I go out to eat. For example, I was recently at a Mexican Cantina enjoying a piece of grilled Mahi Mahi over a bed of Spanish rice on a yellow tomato puree. There was citrus salsa and micro greens on top of the fish. Fancy! Can you picture this?!

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